Pastor's Note

Long-Term Praying

When each of my three children was born, I began to pray for the someone each would someday marry.  While I had no idea who that individual might be, I figured she (for David) and the two he's (for Beth and Joy) were out there somewhere, growing up and learning things and forming godly character.  It recently occurred to me that I started praying for Evan two years before he was born.  When Joy becomes Mrs. Evan Leister on September 20, I will have experienced the third great answer to those many prayers.  I am so very grateful to the Lord for providing godly, loving mates for my children.  Our four grandchildren hopefully have four corresponding little ones out there somewhere, learning to walk and talk and say the alphabet.  And learning about the great love of Jesus for them.  So my work is not done.

May I challenge you to do some long-term praying for those you love...and for those you will one day love?  Marriage is a wondrous and challenging thing.  Can't think of a better wedding gift for Evan and Joy than 27 years of prayers.  Can't think of anything better than seeing God answer so fully!

A Thankful Dad