Pastor's Note


Speaking on Hebrews 4 recently, I spent some time trying to think of someone who captured the idea of enjoying God’s rest here & now.  I was thinking of some older saints I know & admire, but my favorite example turned out to be a 23-year-old guy who won an Olympic Gold Medal in Freestyle Skiing Halfpipe at Sochi.  His name is David Wise.  NBC published an article about him, & the headline caught my attention:  “David Wise’s Alternative Lifestyle Leads to Olympic Gold.”  That “alternative lifestyle”?  He’s 23.  He’s married.  He has a 2-year-old daughter.  He goes to church regularly.  He thinks one day he may become a pastor.  Rather than take offense at the headline, I think David Wise should wear it as a badge of honor.  The Christian life is not the norm.  Certainly not in the ranks of snowboarders & freestylers.  He has chosen the path less traveled.  And listen to his words:  “When you’re out there skiing for something bigger than just yourself, it just takes a lot of the pressure off for me.  I’m happy & content, fulfilled.  I have an amazing life outside of skiing.  I don’t have to perform at any time, I just get to go out and do what I enjoy doing.”  He has entered into “God’s rest”!  Who would not want to say the same thing?  Maybe the headline writer was trying to be a little snarky.  The article had nothing but praise and respect for this young man.  May his tribe increase.