


Join us Easter Sunday morning as we set our hearts on the message of victory the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ brings.

8:30AM Breakfast -- We will meet in Wilson Hall (aka the fellowship hall) for a big breakfast.  Everything is provided.  You just need to show up.

9:30AM  Our Bible Study Hour groups (junior high and up) will view and discuss Paul L. Maier's The Week that Changed the World: A Historian Looks at Easter.  This documentary presents a step-by-step look at the events of Holy Week, shedding light on the key players, unravelling the political intrigue, and answering long-standing questions about what happened and why.

10:45AM  Gather in the auditorium for a time of worship and celebration.

Men's Chili Cook Off -- February 12th!


The Annual Men’s Chili Cook Off is coming soon!  February 12 is the big night.  Who will take home the coveted Silver Spike “You Nailed It!” Award for 2017?  Ladies will be asked to bring condiments, sides, and desserts to complement the chili.  Entries should be on the tables by 5:30PM.  Dinner starts at 6PM.



What if you spent more time memorizing Scripture than you spent on Facebook?  Refresh your mind by taking the 2017 Scripture Memory Challenge.  Between now and June 4, store God’s Word in your heart!
His Spirit--1 Corinthians 3:16 & 1 Corinthians 2:12
His Strength—Isaiah 41:10 & Philippians. 4:13
His Faithfulness—Lamentations. 3:22-23 & Numbers 23:19
His Peace—Isaiah 26:3 & 1 Peter. 5:7
His Provision—Romans. 8:32 & Philippians 4:19
His Help In Temptation—Hebrews 2:18 & Psalm 119:9, 11
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